
Rules of Discipline

  • All the students have to attend school prayer in the morning.
  • Students have to stand in the row of their classes on the first bell.
  • Students must come to school in proper, neat and clean uniform.
  • During school timings no student is allowed to leave the school premises without Principal's permission.
  • Long absence from school, disrespect to teachers and indiscipline may lead to the expulsion of the student.
  • Students must take care of school's property. No damage should be done to benches, chairs and other furniture.
  • Any damage caused will have to be reimbursed by the student responsible for it.
  • Students must look after their own bags and other belonging. No body else will be responsible for any loss. Costly things are not allowed in the school.
  • It is the moral duty of the students to keep the school clean. Waste papers etc. should be thrown in the dustbins which are kept in the school.
  • It is the responsiblity of the students to take care of their books, note-books and other belongs.
  • Students must keep their cycle locked. No cycling is allowed inside the school premises.
  • Student can be expelled from the school if his/her progress in the studies is not upto the mark or his behaviour with teachers and other students is objectionable.
  • Student's parents or guardians cannot go to the class room without Principal's permission.
  • Student has to return the report card within two days after getting it signed by the parents.
  • A student must write his name, class and section on each and everything.
  • Students must bring their diary to school daily.
  • Lending money and other things is completely banned in the school.
  • Student are not allowed to give any kind of gift to their teachers individually or collectively.